Thursday, September 14, 2006


I am a huge survivor fan. Jamey and I have watched the show since we were in college and enjoy are time to cheer on someone we don’t even know who will quickly become like someone we know. I love the fact that it does have twists and turns and the show seems to make sure something new will be on. Most of America loves it too, because when you google survivor you get 92 Million results.
This year survivor has decided to “spice up” the show by dividing the tribes. This has been done before by men-women, and age. Now the show has decided to make it divided on race. This to me opens the door for a lot of problems. I will watch because I am curious to see what happens, but am a little upset that the show has decided to go in this direction.
Since I live in the south, race is always an issue, even when it’s not supposed to be anymore in the modern times we live in. As I am sure most of you would agree who live in Alabama. Is the show taking on the issue, and I am wanting to simply avoid it? Or is the show wanting to add to its ratings no matter the cost? Either way I will watch to see what happens…


Jamey said...

I think racism will always survive as long as people keep making it an issue.

In some ways it seems impossible to think we're all the same, but until people start trying, nothing is going to change.

Sunny said...

I am so excited about Survivor! Jason and I have been addicted since season 3. I am a little unsure about the tribes being divided by race. Hopefully this will only last an episode or two. Another great show - Big Brother. It has now ended and will not be on until next summer. Jason and I started watching this last summer (since there is nothing else on). We really like it. It's like Survivor, but with BB, you are able to see more of the strategy playing out. I can hardly wait until tonight! We will have to make our picks in a few episodes.

Anonymous said...

Obsessed is perhaps a more appropriate word for the Simpsons and Bybee's devotion to these shows. Anyways. Race is only a big deal because people make it that way. The blacks, I refuse to call them African-American unless they were born in Africa and their parents were American citizens and on their 18th birthday they declared dual citizenship and even then they would need to be Ghana-Americans or whatever because Africa is a continent not a country. Were you paying attention in 8th grade geography, whew anyways blacks typically play the race card to get some kind of look at us we are being downtrodden again bull crap. I am looking forward to this season though just to see how they conduct themselves and how much whine doggin goes on in their little 'look at me I am alone on the beach and telling you what I think of everyone else' interviews.

Kenny Simpson said...

I think it was a bad idea. Which side are you rooting for? It was funny when it was women against men. Not so funny when everyone that is white is cheering for one tribe and other groups cheer for their group (I won't call them African-Americans, but is Asian American ok?)

Jamey said...

I'll play the devil's advocate for once; do you think we should be promoting this show by watching it, thus boosting their ratings? I guess there's nothing ethically wrong with dividing by races, but they all do prance around, very scantily clad, and I don't know if we should be consenting to that either. (Just call me Jon.) :)

Kenny Simpson said...

Correct, those beer guts might cause you to lust.

Jamey said...

Well, if the beer guts don't get you, the boobs inevitably falling out during a challenge will. :)

Kenny Simpson said...

My kids are saying they will watch it because of the race, so I guess it is working.

Jason said...

It's all a ratings-game. They'll do this for one episode, two max and then they'll redivide the tribes. It's a ploy to boost the ratings that have been sagging lately.

But I'm watching. I love this show.

Anonymous said...

You have a good point since all the girls wear is the bandana as a bra of sorts....why tempt yourself to be tempted.