Monday, November 13, 2006

"American" Christianity

Those of you who know me, or read my blog occasionally, know that I love the country I live in. I am very proud to live in a country that gives me the freedoms that America does. However, in class yesterday morning I heard the term American Christianity. We were discussing Paul. It got me to thinking.

The quote was used in class that when Americans pray we pray that our burdens be taken off our back. Or at least lessened so that we can continue. Where most of the rest of the world prays that their back be stronger to handle the burden. It made me think.

Often we hear people in churches, especially churches of Christ, complaining of the service where in other areas I would seriously doubt those being persecuted are questioning the song choice or the fact that they could not find a good seat on Sunday.

There are many other examples I could go on about, but hopefully everyone gets the point. I know I will try to think about this the next time I want to gripe about the church or some problem in my life.


Unknown said...

Got a sub for the paper, so we can stay for the day after Thanksgiving!!!

As far as the post, the other complaint I don't understand is "well I just didn't get anything out of worship" - Sorry I forgot you were the one supposed to be getting something from it and besides you get out what you put in!

Kenny Simpson said...

Good. We're glad you get to stay. You are right, worship is a sacrifice given to God, not entertainment.

Ryan said...

I agree that we are often too focused on asking God to take our burdens away. I get annoyed and distracted during public prayers when the leaders get bogged down in a lot of health requests, etc.

It seems to me that we should be more focused on spreading the kingdom and less focused on me, me me all the time.

Kenny Simpson said...

Ryan correct. I am not for lists of burdens in public prayer, take them individually in private.

Kat Simpson said...

As a former church secretary let me explain about those lists, LOL> I AGREE that they don't belong in the public worship service, BUT we tried many different ways to get around that and many people (especially our seniors) REALLY want to hear their name called out by the speaker. Another issue where, how far do the leaders go in catering and when is it time to tell them to grow up! Kat

Anonymous said...

good point

Kenny Simpson said...

That question mom, is why I am not a full time minister at a Church. I don't know or have the patience required (isn't that funny, I can work with 8th graders all day, but don't have the patience to work in a church).