Sunday, July 30, 2006

Avery's New Tricks (proud of myself)/ Top Ten War Movies

New Tricks

Go Gators

Some of our friends had a dog called Riley. The dog was very good at doing all types of tricks. She could sit, speak, roll, lay and jump. Unfortunately, to get to one trick she would have to go through all 4 of the others. To get her to roll, she would sit and speak and follow it with a jump....

Avery is now learning several new words and tricks. She can point to her eyes, nose, and mouth. She can say hello, bye-bye, Avery (new this week), baby, mama, and daddy. To get her to do some of her pointing tricks though she goes through them all. She cannont simply point at her eyes, soon to follow will be the nose and mouth.

Jamey used to teach the 4 year olds at Mayfair. In class she would teach one of our favorite little girls who used to always say "I'm so proud of myself" after finishing puzzles, ect.... Avery now has a shape-sorter (probably the kind you had growing up with the star, square, circle, ect...). As she was learning to put the shapes in we would always clap for her. Now she puts the shapes in and claps for herself (without us even being in the room).

Now I have just finished watching "Saints and Soldiers" a good movie (I'd give it 4 stars). That led me to thinking of a new top ten. Sorry ladies this is a top ten war movies list. The criteria is movies that are entirely based on a war (no "Forrest Gump" that have a war in them, but are not based on war). I have to have seen the movie as well.

10. Enemy at the Gates: Very good movie. Based on to assassins with a good cast.

9. Tears of the Sun: Bruce Willis in one of his best movies. Worth going to rent.

8. Gettysburg: Great Civil War movie for anyone who doesn't study the Civil War and those of us who really enjoy studying it. It draws you in and tells of one of the most important battles in our nations history.

7. Gladiator: Russell Crowe gives a great performance. Worth watching to see the special effects, it feels as if you are in the coliseum.

6. Crimson Tide: Another with Denzel, but this time with Gene Hackman. Great drama in this fictional movie.

5. Glory: Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman give great performances. Everyone needs to see this movie at least one time. Also great with historical accuracy.

4. We were soldiers: Mel Gibson with several other great younger actors. Great movie for wives as well as half the movie is from their perspective. Based on real events in Vietnam.

3. Patriot: Mel Gibson again. Based on the Revolutionary war. Great story that is loosely based on facts. Another movie the wives will enjoy as well.

2. Braveheart: Mel Gibson's best movie. This is definitely a man's movie based in Scotland as they gained independence from England. Great war scenes.

1. Saving Private Ryan: The cast alone would make it great: Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Vin Diesel, Giovanni Ribisi, Paul Giamatti, but the action scenes were intense and realistic. The characters pulled you in. If you want a true experience watch this with surround sound.

Honorable mention: Black Hawk Down, Behind Enemy Lines, Gods and Generals,

Movies I have not seen that I have heard are good: Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Band of Brothers series, Troy, Thin Red Line, ect...

Movies I have seen that I purposely left off: Pearl Harbor, Alexander the Great (heard he was portrayed as gay), Three Kings

Let me know what you think.


Jamey said...

You threw me off with Gladiator. I guess it could be considered a war movie (slaves vs. masters); it just didn't seem to fit at first because all of the others listed really are War movies.

I too love Avery's new antics; My new favorite..."Abree!" (Avery--Sometimes it sounds more like a v than b!)

Sunny said...

I always like to have Abby Kate and Joshua show off their new tricks. When I try to have them "perform", they refuse and make me look so silly.

I like your movies. I saw Glory in the 8th grade and it was really powerful. Love Gladiator and Braveheart. Saving Private Ryan is a movie that everyone needs to see. I have seen it once and it was very difficult to watch. Don't think that I can do it again, but it is good.

Unknown said...

You need to rent the "Band of Brothers" series. If you do it will replace "Saving Private Ryan" as your top pick. My only advice for watching the series is to watch the last DVD first. It contains the interviews with the real soldiers that are portrayed in the series, really gives you a back ground into their lives and thoughts. Other than that good list, might have added Hunt for Red October before Crimson Tide. Might want to rent "Kingdom of Heaven"

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

precious. i hate war movies. they stress meout.

Kenny Simpson said...

Kingdom of Heaven I watched and would put it in the "honorable mentions". Hunt for Red October is a good movie.

Jason said...

I started to watch Band of Brothers once but it's pretty long. It's like 10 hours isn't it? I've heard it's good, though.

Gladiator is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I could watch it over and over. Braveheart is great, too. I wasn't a huge fan of Hunt for Red October, but it's solid.

When are you going to do the sports movies list?

Kenny Simpson said...

Think I'll do the sports one next.

Baron said...

ahhh...Platoon. one of the first R-rated movies I snuck in as a young lad. not that I condone that behavior in the least...

Lerra said...

So are you comparing your daughter to a dog?

I can't comment on the war movies because I took a vow against war movies that one year they had like 10 come out all together. And I guess my vow includes blog comments. I will, however, mention that I LOVE Gladiator. The end.

Kat Simpson said...

Ken, do you remember going to see Private Ryan with Papa Bear and then going out to the restaurant and hearing his WWII stories for hours? Love ya, mom

PS give my granddaughter extra love from Nona