Thursday, February 22, 2007

UN or Peace Corps

I am not sure how I feel about the UN. Somedays they seem to be a great organization (although few and far between) and somedays they seem to be like a parent telling children to stop, but with no real punishment if they continue to do what they want to do.

Iran now is testing the UN to see if it will step up and enforce it's policies or continue to wait on the good ole' US to bail them out again. Try this link to see a little more about the situation. Iran is now testing and building up nuclear weapons.

The UN has always bothered me as they have no real threat to stop anything. And then they are able to sit back and critic those who actually go in and try to stop people from doing evil.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I'm not as hard on the UN as you are, but I do share much the same attitude about their inability to "police" these kinds of situations.

Iran scares me. I'm as anti-war as the next guy, but that's not even the issue anymore. Success in Iraq is critical or else this Iran situation gets even hairier. We have a lot to pray about.