Here it is. The top 20 in my artists. There are a few that made this group because of my love of their music, but for the most part I tried to be as objective as possible.
20: Garth Brooks: The face of Country music in the 90’s. He helped bring country music into the mainstream. He has several great songs. I even bought his box set, which is quite good.
19: Maria Carey: A great singer. She has been a constant in the music industry for many years. Her voice is unreal; too bad she is so weird. Looking forward to more of her music. She has over 15 number 1 singles already, and will most likely put out even more.
18: Journey: A great group. I still enjoy many of the songs they put out.
17: Sting: He was great in a group and as a solo artist. His voice is so distinct that it is hard to see anyone imitating him ever.
16: James Taylor: He has some great music. I still listen to his greatest hits while driving around.
15: Steven Curtis Chapman: My personal all-time favorite. He has produced hits since the early 1990’s and still is putting out great albums. His most well know (I will be here) is still played in many weddings.
14: Michael W. Smith: A stalwart in Christian music. For many years he was the face of the entire industry. He still puts out great worship music even today.
13: Nirvana: Dominated the music scene for several years. The music still reminds me of the mid-90’s.
12: Beach Boys: This was a great group. Have many hits that still make you want to sing today.
11: Led Zeppelin: Not my favorite. But they have sold more records than anyone other than the Beatles in the U.S.
10: Pearl Jam: This group was a great group for several years. I have always thought they were way under-appreciated for the impact on the music industry.
9: DC Talk: I feel this is the best group that existed in Christian Music. They were back in the days when old school rap was the way to go, and evolved into a great alternative sound.
8: Queen: I think the greatest group. They have many hits to back it up. And are still played today.
7: Metallica: A great group. They could easily be higher on the list. The Black album is a classic, but they have produced great songs throughout the years. Jamey actually came down the aisle to a Metallica song.
6: Pink Floyd: Again, not my cup of tea, but the music sold more copies than almost any other group.
5: Madonna: She changed music forever. Not always in a good way. But her influence is unmistakable.
4: Michael Jackson/Jackson 5: I know he is a terrible person today, but he was the king of pop. His impact still resonates in the music industry. And the Jackson 5 probably could have made the list on it’s own.
3: The Beatles: Way before my time, but I cannot argue with all they have accomplished, and the effect they have left in the music industry.
2: U2: A great group that has spanned the decades. They had great music back in the 80’s and have great music today. The Joshua Tree has to be one of the best all-time albums.
1: Elvis: He has to be at the top. How many people have a city named after them? His songs are still played and will always be played. He was more than just a great singer, but now is a historical figure.
Well, that is the list. Let me know who I left off that should have been included, or who shouldn’t have even been on the list. Who should be higher than who, and so on…