Friday, May 25, 2007

Top Ten worst chinese fortune cookie sayings

I figured I need a new list so the other day Jamey and I and Avery ate at the Chinese buffet, which is very good and it got me to thinking of a new list. This is my top ten worst fortunes you could pull out of the cookie.

10. You are not allegic to dogs, because you just had some.

9. Your lucky numbers...666

8. Hope you don't like your house, or you really like fire.

7. Your car needs a new transmission and tires...and brakes

6. I see McDonald's in your future career...

5. You are as deep as a frisbee.

4. Enjoy how you look now, because that's as good as it's going to get.

3. Your boss like to dress up in women's clothes in your office when you're not there.

2. Your stomach did not agree with the sushi you just ate.

1. You will leave a large tip for your server.

Anyone have any others? The ones we get now just have wierd chinese proverbs. Where's the fun in that?


J. Canterbury said...

Right after I proposed to my wife, I surprised her with a dinner at P.F. Changs' where our parents were waiting for us to tell them the good news.

After dinner, I opened my fortune cookie and it said, "You will be married within a year".

That's pretty crazy!

JSM said...

My friend's husband put the engagement ring in a fortune cookie to propose to her... it's a crazy story.
One of Brett's boys once got one that said "Wash clothes". I thought it was hilarious considering a college guy opened it!

Jamey said...

Remember when we were in college and we would all grab 20 fortune cookies? Then open them all, and maturely add "in the bathroom" after each one. That puts a whole new spin on the fortunes.

Kenny Simpson said...

Wish we could get one now that had an actual fortune on one.
JSM: Very funny

Lerra said...

Jamey - I do that now, except I say "in bed" after all of them. I'm so mature.

I have one on my desk at work that says "All your hard work will soon be paid off." I've had it for like 2 years & I'm still waiting.